To tell the story of The Contractions, let's begin in the
spring of 1994, at the University of Pennsylvania in the Department
of Economics. It was approaching Penn's annual Skit Nite, that
venerable tradition in which grad students have the opportunity
to make fun of the professors, followed by a rather large and
rather fun party. Two promising first year graduate students,
Peter Norman and Morris Davis, decided to do a parody of the
Lou Reed classic "Sweet Jane," entitled "Sweet
Dave," in honor of their microeconomics professor, the great
economist David Cass. The choice seemed appropriate, Cass being
to economics what Reed is to rock and roll. (Note: Dave Cass
has on several occasions in recent years got up and sang his
own version of "Sweet Jane" with The Contractions,
to nothing if not rave reviews.)
Anyway, as both Morris and Peter had been in a variety of
bands prior to graduate school, they knew what they were doing,
so they very much surprised and impressed the crowd that was
used to typically much goofier performances at Skit Nite. One
guy they impressed was Randall Wright, who before taking up economics
and becoming a professor at Penn, for better or worse, had himself
been a guitarist in Winnipeg, Canada, home of The Guess Who.
(Note: Eric Smith is fond of pointing out that Randy is one of
the few guitarists from Winnipeg who in fact never played in
The Guess Who for any real length of time). Later that night,
Randy and Morris went up to jam with the band that was playing
at the post-skit party, doing a little blues and a crude version
of "Honky Tonk Woman," which to this day is one of
The Contractions' real crowd pleasers. That night was an embryotic
glimpse of what was eventually to become The Contractions.
Skit Night 1994

Honky Tonk Woman |

Sweet Dave |
Not much happened after that until the fateful spring of 1997,
when it became clear that Peter Norman would graduate and leave
Penn by the following fall. He and Morris took up the idea that
had been bouncing around for a while, that of getting people
together to make some more music, and began pushing hard to pursue
things. As it turns out, Penn Economics was fortunate to have
the world class scholars Boyan Jovanovic and Ken Burdett visiting
for the academic year, the former an accomplished jazz musician
in his own right who regularly gigs in New York, often with the
Bleeker Street Trio and often under the stage name Brian Jay;
the latter having no real talent at all, except for buying his
round at the pub, plus whatever it took to marry Larraine, a
veteran (for her age) rock and roller, most recently at that
time with the Mean Woman Blues Band from England.
With Boyan on keys, Larraine on drums, Randy on guitar, Morris
on bass and guitar, and Peter on vocals, they got together at
Randy's joint on Lombard Street in Philadelphia to jam. The first
night, as is often the case, wasn't so good. In fact, they sort
of sucked. But despite the lack of decent equipment and the fact
that at least some of the lads had pretty rusty chops, the attitude
seemed good and the spirit willing. They bought a new bass guitar,
borrowed colleague Ruilin Zhou's electric piano (she was visiting
the Federal Reserve Bank of Minnesota that year, so it seemed
as though it wouldn't be missed), rustled up some drums, decent
microphones etc., and got down to work. At the second practice,
they invited Andrei Schevshenko, another econ grad student, to
sit in. Andrei is a classically trained singer who had dazzled
the crowd at the Economics Department's 1996 Skit Nite with his
acoustic guitar work and sonorous voice. This filled out the
line up of the original Contractions.
Hard at Work, March 1997

Boyan |

Randy |

Larraine |

Morris |

Peter, Andrei |

Full Band |
The band put together a dozen or so classic rock tunes in
a few short weeks, including numbers by the Beatles, Doors, Santana,
and of course The Guess Who (from Winnipeg). It was starting
to actually sound tight and alright; the musical interplay and
the mutual teaching/learning was very exciting. Kind of like
starting a band back in high school all over again, except, as
one of the lads put it, "It's really nice to play with people
who are good musicians, but not complete idiots." In April
they felt confident enough to offer to play their first gig together,
appropriately, at the 1997 Econ Dept Skit Nite. After the usual
good-natured tomfoolery by the grad students, The Contractions
took the stage, pumped but more than a little nervous. The very
first number was an ironic little medley, beginning with the
soft and beautiful ballad "Moscow Nights," which of
course Andrei crooned in his native Russian, segueing incongruously
into a red hot version of "Back in the USSR" with Peter
and Andrei screaming the co-lead vocals. People were more than
a bit surprised. Moreover, they really seemed to like it, as
far as one could tell from the reaction on the dance floor.
What next? It was too good and too fun to be a one night stand,
so the group managed to get another gig in Philly a few weeks
later at the now defunct (coincidently!) "Sunset Grill."
Having already put together a whole mess of new tunes, including
such challenging classics as "Jessica," it was another
success! Perhaps the best part was Peter jumping off the stage
monitors (only about three feet high in total that night) into
the crowd and landing on, rolling in, and destroying the light
show that Morris and Randy had put together earlier that day
from scraps of wood and Radio Shack sale items; but there were
many highlights.
Despite this, it looked like it was going to be tough to keep
the band together, as shortly thereafter Peter would take up
his new job at University of Wisconsin, Boyan would return to
his position at NYU, and Larraine and Ken Burdett would go back
to England. But Larraine had ideas. Since Randy went over to
the UK every year around Thanksgiving to work with Ken, check
out a few of the locals (pubs, that is) and participate in an
annual conference at the University of Essex, she figured, "Why
not bring the rest of the lads over too, and take The Contractions
on a UK mini-tour?" Venues were arranged; notably, "The
Greyhound," where Larraine had frequently played with Mean
Woman Blues Band, and "The Kings Arms," a favorite
pub of The Contractions to this day.
It was about then, by the way, that a critical artistic decision
was. One Sunday lunch at the Burdett's, while discussing posters,
publicity, and the other stereotypical band junk with the kids
Ewan and Ashley Burdett, Ewan came up with the idea that The
Contractions should change their name to "Four Dimwits and
Mom," especially good for a sextet. The idea was vetoed
in the interest of higher mathematics; however, the first trip
to England was dubbed "Four Dimwits and Mom Tour,"
winning out over Morris' idea of "The Norman Invasion."
The stuff of genius? In any event, as it turned out, England
and The Contractions were about to enter into a wonderful and
warm ongoing relationship. The gigs were a blast, the beer was
bountiful, ... why, even the weather and food seemed okay.
Post-U.K. the lads returned to their separate haunts, and
in the next months the group got together only sparingly for
a few private parties with partial lineups. It was a dark time,
but what could they do, with talent spread so thin (around the
globe)? In particular, with Larraine in England, they were desperately
short a key element of The Contractions' sound. Then, lo and
behold, another Penn Econ grad student Martin Schindler sent
an email saying "I can play drums." Hell, who can't?
But, as it turns out, he's actually quite good! So he's in the
band. And now he and Larraine share percussion duties. Still,
the guys were missing Larraine's cool back up vocals. Then, lo
and behold, it turns out that Gwen Eudey, at the time in the
Economics Department at Georgetown University in Washington,
D.C., is spending the year at the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.
Not only does she sing, Gwen also plays flute like an angel and
does a bit of keyboards and percussion, to boot. So she's in.
With the lineup of Andrei, Boyan, Morris, Randy, Martin, and
Gwen, The Contractions agree to play the 1998 Econ Skit Nite.
Of course, without Peter, all knew the vocals suffer somewhat,
as well as the antics to be sure; so Bonnie Williams was asked
to sit in on few tunes at Skit Nite. Bonnie does Boffo as a Peter
substitute, if not look-a-like. Overall, another successful nite.
The Contractions, it would seem, were not dead yet.

Bonnie |

Peter |
At this point things begin to "take off." Turns
out that The Fine Arts Alumni Association of Penn (some serious
party animals) was having a big outdoor bash and was in need
of a band. Coincidently, while at the opera, Gwen and Randy mention
to some high society types, including their now-gal-pal Mickey,
that they're in a rock group (as if that's why they looked out
of place). So Mickey, who's in with the Fine Arts crowd, puts
in a good word for The Contractions and the gig is on. This is
the first BIG Contractions gig, and the first that pays enough
money to cover their music and travel related expenses, plus
the main cost of keeping the group together: beer. Peter flew
in, and everyone but Larraine was in the lineup that day. It
was a success. Especially when Peter jumped off the PA towers,
which this time were really quite high as it was an outdoor concert,
and wounded his knee. Moreover, some excellent future gigs (e.g.,
The Palladium) were to come from people in the crowd seeing the
group groove at the Fine Arts party.
Even bigger and better things were on the horizon. As fate
would have it, the Society for Economic Dynamics was holding
its 1998 meetings at the University of Pennsylvania that year.
Since Randy was in fact the organizer, the conference dinner-cum-party
featured The Contractions live at Rock Lobster, Philly's premiere
nightclub, outdoors on the Delaware River. It was more than a
success! The band managed to impress all kinds of people who
had never heard of them and certainly would be shocked to see
that economists can do anything particularly interesting, let
alone play music!
The Contractions have since then been on a balanced growth
path, despite Morris moving to and Gwen returning to Washington
(not really so far from Philly). Boyan, still in NYC, seems to
have a new lease on life and is playing better than ever. Peter
and Larraine are as brilliant and beautiful, respectively, as
ever. Andrei, Martin and Randy are holding the fort in Philly.
New people are sitting with the group in every now and again,
including Roberto Sanamiego (Penn), James Albrecht (Georgetown),
recently. They are constantly working out new tunes, and playing
at various places where economists (and others!) gather, such
as Cleveland where Peter Rupert organizes gigs and Paul Gomme
handles the "special effects," and in Pittsburgh, thanks
to Dean Corbae and Dave Dejong. Then there are the Philly bars,
like Cavanaugh's and The Palladium. And the traditional Skit
Nite(one cannot forget one's roots). And of course the annual
U.K. tour, featuring notably The King's Arms and the super-rockin'
Top Bar at Essex. At maybe the greatest gig ever, the band was
a huge hit in Italy recently at the 1999 SED meetings, going
strong until around 3:00 in the morning at the incredible Embarcadero
in Porto Conte, Sardina. As this was just a couple of days after
playing in Madison, Wisconsin, one can't help but be impressive
by the sheer logistics (much credit on that dimension going to
Antonio Merlo and especially Marco Vannini).
While in Sardina, the band also explored their more romantic
side by having the honor of playing at the wedding of two of
their loveliest and most loyal fans, Steve Parente and Catherine
(Essie) Berg. More of this mushy stuff will come in September
when they play for Ninette Hupp and Richard Rogerson's wedding.
It's the least they can do; Rogerson is a true fan who once on
a flight from Minneapolis to LA made a few hour stopover in Philly
(just a little out of the way) to hear them play. The Contractions
are also looking forward to upcoming gigs in Philly, Washington
(thanks to Roger Lagunoff), Boston, Iowa City (sic), and perhaps
especially the next SED meetings, this time in Costa Rica in
2,000, organized by true fan and sometimes backup singer Alberto
Well, that about brings us to date. Hope you enjoyed learning
about how this unlikely matching of rock and roll and economics
got off the ground. To the friends and fans of the band, hope
you get a chance to see The Contractions again soon. To those
who don't know the group, come on out at your first opportunity:
you may be in for a surprise or two, and you will most definitely
a good time!